The Drabblecast is excited to be back in business providing Strange Stories by Strange Authors, to Strange Listeners, Such As Yourself!
It's not too late to pick up some awesome Drabblecast swag to make your life even weirder and more fulfilled! And remember, with each purchase, your helping support your favorite podcast!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Update/Solution on Digital Content, audio and ebooks
almost 6 years ago
– Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 01:41:39 AM
Hey folks,
A number of you have gotten back to us and said you haven't gotten the digital content yet, and after some troubleshooting it seems like a common issue is the misunderstanding that the emails that your digital content came from came from Backerkit, not Kickstarter.
The issue has been solved in a lot of cases if you do an overall email search for "backerkit" and possibly "Norm Sherman". Hopefully you'll find an email sent on 12/19 with a link to your digi-goodies. It's easy to miss, especially if you are on the look-out for something from Kickstarter.
If this doesn't work please let me know (again! sorry!) and I can send them individually case by case. Really want you all to have these because I think they're awesome and should provide hours of distraction from the humdrum of an often all-too-normal world!
Digital Content
almost 6 years ago
– Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 01:29:43 AM
Hey Folks!
Gotten a few emails from folks that they haven't received links to their digital content rewards. I've sent them to everyone twice now, so if you haven't gotten those emails then I'll probably have to just get those to you manually.
Please let me know if you haven't gotten those links yet in an email and i'll hook you up!
Update-- 70% shipped!
almost 6 years ago
– Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 08:40:33 PM
Hey Weirdo's!
Just a quick update. As of now, about 70% of all items have shipped, so be checking those mailboxes! There are still a few more batches (including orders outside the United States) and you folks should be getting your various Drabblemerch sometime before March.
Hope you enjoy the reads, listens, wears and other schwag!
Yours Weirdly,
Update on your Drabbleschwag!
about 6 years ago
– Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 12:44:28 PM
Hey folks,
Just a quick update on all your Drabblemerch-- everything is polished up, done, and IN!
And this is just the half of it! T-shirts, patches, pins and more!
What?? An audio fiction magazine that makes _real_ books??
Now on to the fun part-- boxing up hundreds of items with meticulous attention to detail!
I can say your Drabblegoodies will be hitting the dank innards of your mailbox within the first two week of February.
Thank you all for your patience!
Yours in Weirdness,
The Island of Misfit Mugs
about 6 years ago
– Wed, Dec 05, 2018 at 03:35:01 PM
Ok, so quick follow up to that last update---
By popular demand, you can now acquire one of the maddening misfit mugs mentioned in the previous update added to your DrabblePackage for a one time $5.00 donation to the ol' Dcast through our standard donation portal here: